All people have sin in their lives. Some people sin more than others. Do people know when their sin has a chance of being removed? Does anyone see what is right in front of them? Or has the world screwed our entire brain up. In today's world some aren't even aware of what sin is. In "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" Pelayo and Elisenda didn't see a miracle when it was "locked up with the hens".
Miracles only come once in a blue moon. Very few people have been lucky enough to expericence it. Those who have probably deserved it. I hope I would recognize a miracle being bestowed upon me unlike Pelayo and Elisenda. Instead of cherishing the moment, they decided to make quick cash out of it. what was so despicable was people from all over came to see their creation.
The 'old man' was given "mothballs" to eat. He refused them. Just like any other human would. Since the old man wouldn't stand cruel people would "throw stones at him". If i was the angel I sure wouldn't bless any one of those people. People don't even realize how rude they can be to others. some of them wanted to see him move so bad that they burned his side with an iron that's for branding sterrs. That right there is the definition of sin.